I´m sorry for all the mistakes, because I´ve made myself the translation from Spanish into English.

   The topic of Alphabet of Thought (AT) is not very well-known, but I guarantee you that it is necessary to know it, if we want to evolve like true human beings. In Internet (09-2010) I found the following results: 1200 in Spanish, 58600 in English, 8850 in French, 70 in German and 8 in Russian.


   Everything I am communicating to you is not something improvised for the moment. When I was an adolescent I realize that it was necessary to correct the course of the Humanity.

   The search of AT has been constant in the Human History. It has appeared with other names throughout History; but with the denomination of Alphabet of Thought, was looked for by G.W.Leibnitz and R. Llul indeed.

   In diverse mythologies and religions it is spoken of God or the All, non- accessible to the knowledge, which finally rests: Uranus in Greek mythology, creative Biblical God, Hindu Nirguna-Brahman, etc. They show remarkable coincidences among the different cultures, going beyond time and space.

   Science is also looking for the All. It starts from the multiplicity of the Universe of Objects trying to discover general laws from the Universe of Ideas that lead to original laws: Number Spaces, Big-bang, Superstring theory, etc. To this end, the limited rational knowledge is used, although the systemic and the chaotic thoughts are also making their own way.


   It vividly made an impression to me knowing in my fourteens the Myth the Cavern Plato´s with its chains, lights and shades, as well as the notion of “Logos” and its manifestation like “Logois”. Later, I participated in the University in the reading of a Greek play. I saw very clear then, that there were, in the Greek interpretation of the world, two parallel universes with feedback: the one of the gods that were dwelling in Olympus Mount and the one of the humans, who was made by means of the incarnation of those gods in them.

   There was nevertheless an existential contradiction, because the hominids wanted to emulate by their account the gods, becoming besides independent of them, being originated therefore the human tragedy: “the one of the hominid that neither is human nor is god”.

   I was helped by the knowledge of the duality of the light and I established the assimilations of “god” with “wave” and of human with “particle”. These conceptions agreed with the evangelical reading, because according to S. John: “At the outset it was the Verb (word, wave, vibration) ..... but the darkness did not embrace (the light)… and the Verb became meat (body, particle)…”. I understood, from a christic interpretation that it was valid for all “it is created or transformed”.

   I also knew by that time the work of C.G.Jung. It was clear then to me that what he called Collective Unconscious was analogous to the Greek Mount Olympus, and that Archetype was equivalent to Greco-roman god. Through the Personal Unconscious they communicate with the Personal Mind. The true reality is creative fantasy then (Teilhard de Chardin).

   Finally, that communication is translated into thoughts and acts that the hominid carries out. Really, reading friend, the “I” (ego) thinks little, almost everything is given to him elaborated and it misinterprets it to his own way.

   I did not find a General Theory to integrate the Collective Unconscious and its Archetypes. There were certain correlations, however, between Greco-Roman archetypes and planetary gods. In order to deepen in those, I studied: Mythology, Psychology, Parapsychology, Sociology, Physics of the Elements, Astrophysics, etc. All of them have contributed to the later discovery of AT that is assimilable to the previous conceptions, but adding them a new meaning.

   My passion was increasing thus to find an universal and independent theory that it could integrate everything, releasing me of the chains of my “I”, as you can see when reading Revolution in Consciousness at the Website.


   My own and definitive history began some years ago (2000), when the Dan of the University proposed me writing a book according to the varied questions that some professors would do to me. In order to be able to answer any type of question, I clearly knew that I would need some basic defined thoughts in order to give unity to the responses of the philosophical colloquy.

   My demand was very strong really, because it appeared like something natural the Alphabet of Thought that is composed of 22 essential vibrations that are represented in the mind by means of 22 alphabetical thoughts (at). That was very abstract to maintain colloquies, by which I finally wrote a book denser than the one we had considered at the beginning: (2002). “The Revolution of the Men who Think”. Ed. UPV.

   My enthusiasm rose very much when feeling how the people who attended to my conferences requested to me that I had to continue approaching more and more that knowledge. I wrote then the book: (2005). “Human Chaos and Alphabet of Thought. To Save the Earth.” Ed. UPV. I have distributed its teaching with 4.5 credits, like subject of free election with a great interest of the students. I was congratulated by the Dam of the University by its teaching.

   As I retired from University, I have now more free time to dedicate myself to the world-wide spreading of this knowledge. My colleagues and my students said to me that I had to approach this knowledge as much as possible.
Between my initial writings and the subsequent ones there is already a great difference, what means a great effort to me. Now you can also collaborate: if you get tired, rest, inspire deeply and continue! I think that the discovery of the AT, shown at the Website, will be a historic milestone with your help.  

   There are many people who yearn for a different human life on our planet Earth; but a new vision of thought is needed, which will give us unity. This is what I offer you.

   I hope that you do yours this message and that you spread and communicate it; so it will be of everybody, thanks also to you. It contains the Expansive Love that comes from the Original Fire.

   Society is self-destructing and has to emerge with the free thinking that is born inside out the creative purity of the Alphabet of Thought.

   The true crisis of this Mankind it is of affectivity!